For  Adults


What we do for Adults

Social thinking affects us in adulthood even more than when we were younger! In order to successfully navigate college, training programs, getting a job, holding a job, finding a partner and making friends, most of us have to adapt our own social behavior based on the perceived thoughts of the people we work with and live with. Young adults and adults alike, need to regulate their emotions in all situations that may come up in post-secondary school, in a job and in the community. Independent problem solving will be expected and when a mistake or misunderstanding happens, adults must have the skills to make repairs! Adults can learn to work successfully in groups, if they are flexible, listen and understand the perspectives of others. We focus on life planning and solidifying the stepping stones towards independence! We work on everything from small talk and conversation skills to exploring ways to make friends and finding a good daily schedule with meaningful activities.

This is a time when mental health issues like depression and anxiety can cause young adults and adults to isolate themselves from peer or group interactions. Being motivated and successful in moving forward towards goals is essential for mental health. Learning how to think socially and work with others will create positive results!

Who is this for?

This program is for young adults and adults alike, who are struggling with the social skills necessary to deal with college, roommates, getting and holding a job, finding a partner, and making friends. Social thinking is a critical skill for adults to master in order to achieve goals of independent living. They may have difficulty adapting their own social behaviors based on the perceived thoughts of the people they work with and live with. Young adults need to regulate their emotions in all situations that may come up in college, jobs and in the community. Independent problem solving will be expected and when they make a mistake, they should have the skills to make social repairs!

The Process for Adults

  • Initial Social Skills Assessment:

    This assessment will cover social skills basics, regulation, interactive skill levels, perspective taking, reciprocity, strengths and weaknesses, motivation, interest in group learning or individual learning. Young adults will be asked to fill out several forms and checklists regarding their own social functioning.

  • Focus of Individual and/or Group Sessions:

    Young adults can work successfully in groups, if they learn to be flexible, patient, listen and negotiate successfully. We will focus on Life Planning and solidifying the stepping stones towards independence! Finding a good daily schedule with meaningful activities and moving towards goals is essential. Learning to initiate new activities and meet challenges is a priority using engagement techniques to get things done! The young adult may be interested in having a meaningful relationship and not know how to make that happen. This is also a time when mental health issues like depression and anxiety can cause young adults to isolate themselves from peer or group interactions. Learning how to think socially will create positive results! Practicing in a group setting – even over Zoom – helps tremendously!

  • Parent Role, if applicable:

    Parents may be asked to fill out forms and checklists to further highlight strengths and specific skills and behaviors causing concern at home, at school, at a job or in the community. We will determine priorities and develop next steps to improving social thinking and skills and goals of independence altogether! Parents need to understand the complexities of social thinking in order to support their young adult and make it a priority to support realistic goals leading to independence and the transition into young adulthood. Support of the parent is integral to the success of the young adult, especially if the adult is living at home or dependent on parents for daily activities. A team approach to help the young adult take control of his or her goals and achievements is crucial to a bright and successful future.